Becoming Disciples through Bible Study  
  Weekly Group Meeting Schedule

The groups participating in the Becoming Disciples through Bible Study program will meet every week. Each group consists of participants numbering less than 12 persons. The group meetings are conducted by a Facilitator.

The group meetings are conducted in a similar sequence every week as follows:

bulletGathering and Prayer (5 minutes)
bulletVideo Segment (20 minutes)
bulletScripture and Study Manual (50 minutes)
bulletBreak (10 minutes)
bulletEncounter the Word (40 minutes)
bulletPraying the Word (20 minutes)
bulletMarks of Discipleship (20 minutes)
bulletClosing and Prayer (5 minutes)

that works out to 170 minutes or about 3 hours.

Because of the tight schedule, all the participants are required to come in time, so that the group meeting can proceed without any delay. This is also a commitment to discipline....


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