"If you make My Word your home, you will indeed be My disciples" (John 8:31)
The Marks of Discipleship
By following the Becoming Disciples through Bible
Study program, you will gradually come to realize what it means to be a disciple
of Jesus Christ.
Below are the Marks of the Disciples covered for each lesson.
Disciples of Jesus Christ:
- Place themselves under the power and authority of Scripture
- Know they belong to God, that God has claim on them
- Acknowledge their rebellion, accept responsibility for their sin, and repent
- Respond to God's call to enter the covenant community of faith and express commitment to the covenant through the tithe
- Hear and obey God's call to be bearers of God's message of deliverance
- Keep God's law by doing it
- Commit themselves to corporate worship
- Provide a sense of direction and purpose through godly, obedient leadership
- Maintain a perspective on leadership that supports and respects godly leaders but give true allegiance only to God
- Recognize and listen to prophetic voices raised about community, nation, and world and at times become the prophetic voice
- Accept consequences of their sin, seek forgiveness, look for healing and new opportunities for faithfulness
- Choose to serve rather than to despair when suffering the consequences of sin
- Trust God with all their thoughts and feelings
- Strive to live in harmony with God's laws even though obedience is costly
- Trust God in the face of unexplained suffering
- Sense their unity with the historic people of God and live in hope with a vision of God's kingdom
- Hear the gospel of Jesus Christ in the context of unity with the historic people of God
- Accept Christ's call to radical discipleship
- Abandon sham and pretense, become vulnerable, and enter the ministry of making disciples
- Understand their ministry as a call to self-denial and suffering
- Throw their weight with God's mission to the least, the last, the lost
- Experience life in Jesus Christ
- Sense the inner assurance of abundant, eternal life
- Experience the presence and the power of the Holy Spirit in their life
- Witness to others in order to lead them to Jesus Christ
- Receive and trust the forgiving love of God in Jesus Christ and serve out of love and gratitude
- Love
- Experience and express freedom as loving God and loving neighbor
- Seek sound teaching under the guidance of faithful leaders
- Accept God's forgiveness
- Know themselves as distinctive, peculiar people bearing the inner mark of character and the outer mark of compassion
- Remain faithful to God in the midst of persecution and suffering
- Use their gifts in ministry to others
- Commit their life completely to God to serve as God wills