of Disciples
Discipleship Programme paved the way for me to read God's word daily. The
word that guides my steps all the days of my life. The word of God acted as "a
lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path."
- Mr. Cecil Ravindran -

Discipleship programme was God's gift to me. The programme satisfied my
hunger and thirst for God's word. The readings and discussions were lively and
spirit filled. There were days when I felt something speaking directly to my
spirit, that set my heart on fire. The facilitator and fellow disciples were
people of God who helped me to "grow and glow".
- Mr. James Onn -

This Discipleship Programme brought me to another level of understanding
about God and my faith. By living out this faith and doing God's will in the
process has given meaning and purpose to my life. On many occasions when the
going gets tough, I have experienced God's blessings and graces. Encounter the
bible and you will find …. ?
- Mrs. Lucia Lawrence -

Emptied & Filled, I have went through the whole bible several times. I
understand it only to my knowledge. After the call with my facilitator and
friends I began to discover many new insight it was very fruitful. For 34
weeks it was not a one man show, with my friends we share an encourage one
another. "Help to carry one another's burdens" (Gal. 6:2) in prayer. Thanks to
my facilitator, friends and to my Lord.
- Mr. Soosai Anthony -

I have experience this 34 weeks programme and the Lord have deepened my
awareness of Jesus in my Life. The faith in Him and worship Him for I know He
will never abandon me. The discipleship Programme have been very meaningful
and educational.
- Mr. Richard Low -

God present!!! God provides!!!
I received!!! I Serve!!!
- Mr. Nicholas Asirvadam -

I used to think that I could talk perfectly about the bible. I ignored this
discipleship course, even though my close friends approached me. After I
successfully journeyed 34 weeks with this programme, I knew that the bible is
not an earthly book but it is from the heavenly Library. May God bless you!
Miss. Vimala Maria Thomas –

Under the guidance of our facilitator, we really enjoyed the 34-lesson
course. I can assure you that the Word of God is powerful and can work
wonders. I experienced the love of God more pronouncedly in my life at home,
in Church and among friends. I gave God a little of myself and He gave me back
a hundredfold.
- Teresa Quah -

From DISCIPLE, I learn to depend on God more especially of my future. I
have grown closer to Him and I am able to meditate on His Word daily. His
Word is to me now active and alive in which I find comfort and strength. I am
closer, made holy and set apart to do His will which is to make everyone His
disciples. I believe and trust that God will make everything good when I
surrender everything to Him..
- Anne Choo -

My involvement in DISCIPLE made me realize that our Heavenly Father had
a purpose and a plan for me. All these years from my youthful days to the
present moment, he was gently and patiently drawing me to Him to experience
His love in a personal way through the many events and circumstances in my
life. The scripture reflections, "Encountering the Word" and
the personal sharing of my fellow members on the program revealed to me that
God loved me for what I am, that He is full control of my life and that I can
experience His peace as I put my trust in Him. It also helped me to cast away
my fear when I am faced with the unknown.
- Anthony Dass -

"When I started DISCIPLE, I was a bit fearful whether I am able to
finish the programme as I know little about the Bible. But I took courage as
my husband Ronald and some friends will journey with us. Now, my relationship
with God has deepened and also found that Jesus Christ never fails me. I feel
loved and I forgive easily and drawn to love others. I am also more calm,
less frightened and God provide answers to all my problems. He has also
provide me with a circle of good friends - a community.
- Grace Moey -

While journeying through DISCIPLE, I have realised that if I were to relive
my life, I would gladly go through it the same way inspite of all the trials
and tribulations, because that is what has prepared or molded me for the
present and future.
- Marina David -

My faith and relationship with God is now stronger and it has given me the
opportunity to spend some time with him and be close to Him. It has made me
realize my sinful nature and how Jesus died on the cross in order to save me.
It has taught me to be humble and merciful. The need to forgive, love and have
patience. To be committed to the Lord by totally surrendering all my problems
and frustrations to Him as I know that he may have some plans for me and will
not let me down.
- Janet Martin -