Becoming Disciples through Bible Study  

From: Thomas Yoon


Dear Friend,

God is communicating with us in every situation of our lives! Persons have been touched by God whenever they allow God to enter their lives.

And yet, our human nature prefers not to listen to God's Word! Countless excuses are given - no time, too difficult, boring...

We, at Disciplespenang, want to help people find answers to life. We believe there is no better way than to let God speak to us directly, through His own self-chosen way of communication - The Bible.

Results from Past Years

Let me tell you what participants of the "Becoming Disciples Through Bible Study" program had experienced...

As they read the words in the bible, slowly they began to realize God speaking to them in their own circumstances, teaching and molding their thoughts. For 34 weeks they encountered God both through their own reading of the bible and also through the sharing by other participants. They had made new friends. Friends who were there to encourage and spur them on. (because it can be quite a tough journey - job concerns, family, sacrifices on the favorite TV programs, etc - all of these will tend to distract)

By the end of the program, they had found answers as to who they are in relation to God with topics like atonement for sins, right living, suffering, love, covenant, security, life, power, freedom and many others.

They would have found meaning in their lives. It's like a jigsaw puzzle with every piece falling into place. Indeed they would have enjoyed the 34 weeks journey.


The wisdom of the ancients are freely available in the pages of the bible - if only people look for it.

But there is a danger - if you are not guided. For example, practices or images that have much meaning to the people during that particular period in the bible may take on a completely different perspective in our modern times.

In this program, the facilitator will guide the participants to the ultimate purpose of this program - to become a disciple of Jesus Christ.


Below are some of the checks in place so that the participants will not divert from the messages of the bible and the program while at the same time keeping their minds open to God's message :

bulletThere is a Disciple Apostolic Team who makes sure the program is followed as prescribed. They organize yearly formation retreats for people who wants to facilitate for that coming year. Facilitators must attend this formation retreat no matter how many times they have been facilitating in the past. Any decisions are all put up in prayer.
bulletThe facilitators for one area or region will form a Core Team. They will meet to plan the lessons together, settle any issues, plan for events like Passover, Year-End Retreats, Promotion of the program, Graduation, getting the logistics available, etc. They check and encourage each other in their journey as facilitators.
bulletThe study manual itself contains description of the lessons topics that is written by biblical experts. The manual, and sequence of the lessons are followed for each lesson. The facilitator will ensure that important parts of the lessons are not missed. Other reference materials like biblical dictionary, commentaries, atlases, concordance, videos, etc are discussed together with the participants.




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