Becoming Disciples through Bible Study  

Frequently Asked Questions about 

Becoming Disciples through Bible Study (BDTBS)

  1. How can I participate in the BDTBS program?
  2. When is the next intake for the program?
  3. How many participants do you take in?
  4. Why do you take in only 12 participants per group?
  5. Will I be able to memorize and quote the bible after going through the program?
  6. There are other Bible Study Programs, what's so special about BDTBS?
  7. I can't find enough time to do all the homework the program requires. Is there any help for me?

How can I participate in the BDTBS program?

This program is open to all Catholics, young and old. The only requirement is to be able to read the Bible and to commit to the discipline of daily study of the Bible, able to attend group meetings once a week, and able to attend a 3-day Retreat at the end.

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When is the next intake for the program?

The new intake for participants to this program is usually around April or May. Please look out in your Church bulletin or notice board. 

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How many participants do you take in?

The maximum number of participants for a group is 12. If there are more than 12 participants, we usually form 2 groups.

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Why do you take in only 12 participants per group?

This is modeled after the example of our Lord, Jesus Christ, who had 12 disciples. Based on team building practices, this number is also most suitable. The program consists of many aspects of team building, and personal sharing. Because of the time constraints for the weekly group meetings, a larger group will have difficulty keeping to the time allowed.

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Will I be able to memorize and quote the bible after going through the program?

No, this program is not designed for that. 

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There are other Bible Study Programs, what's so special about BDTBS?

The aim of this program is to allow the Word of God to produce Disciples. The Bible, being the Word of God, has this power to transform lives when it is studied with an open mind.

At the same time, by studying the Bible from the Old Testament to the New Testament, we will be informed about the story of Salvation, historically and theologically.

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I can't find enough time to do all the homework the program requires. Is there any help for me?

You have to examine your priorities in your life. Many people acknowledge that the Bible contains the Word of God, and that 

"All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching the truth, rebuking error, correcting faults, and giving instruction for right living, so that the person who serves God may be fully qualified and equipped to do every kind of good deed." (2 Timothy 3:16 ~ 17)

It deserves serious study.

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Thomas Yoon, Disciple 2000
Copyright © 2002  Disciples Penang. All rights reserved.
Revised: February 26, 2005 .
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