Becoming Disciples through Bible Study  

The Study Manual serves as a guide for the participants.

Registration Fees  : RM10/=
Study Manual       : RM25/= (English)
                               RM25/= (Mandarin)

Testimonials from past Disciple Participants


Disciples Program

DISCIPLE is a new approach to Bible study.  During the course of 34 weeks, DISCIPLE study groups move through the scriptures from Creation to the New Jerusalem.  Each week, a major theme helps the learner grow in understanding the Bible through the challenge of theological views, group discussions, and the use of video presentations.

Objective of DISCIPLE
DISCIPLE is designed to develop, inspire and Transform Christians through in-depth knowledge and understanding of the Bible.

Commitment for Disciple
If you can say YES to the following questions:

* Do you own a Bible?
* Have you tried reading the Bible at least once a week?
* Do you want to know more about the Word of God and how it relates to your personal experiences and struggles?
* Can you spend 45 min every day, reading and reflecting on  the Bible?
* Can you spend three (3) hours every week attending a Bible Study Group meeting for thirty-four (34) weeks?
* Can you spend 3 days at the end of the 34 weeks for a retreat?

THEN, you are ready to COMMIT YOURSELF to the DISCIPLE program.

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